Monday, September 19, 2011

blue plannet foundation activity

Last week thursday we had a person come to our classroon and talk about the blue plannet foundation. they talked about what we can do to help the world and in our part how we could conserve energy. That was the first part but the bell rang so the other leadership students had to leave and it was period six so its me, jolene, king, chachie, melani, and tamera and so we did an activity involing light bulbs and how hard it is to light up a light bulb so it was me first i was trying to light up the floricent light and it took way less energy then the old style light bulb and we figured out that the energy that we did to light up the light bulb was like electical energy and it took more energy to light up the old fashion bulbs. This activity was so imformative i know what i will do for my part of helping the world.

field trip!!!

its been like over a month since our leadership fieldtrip it was so fun, the only reason why we could go to the fild trip is because we went to the summer for our leadership work days. anyways it was so fun like we went to the movies first we watch spy kids and it was so funny we watched it in 4d and it was kind of gross cuz we had to smell stuff like when the dog farted and even when the baby did to. other then that is was so fun. i know im saying so much fun words but it was. then we went to ala moana and went shopping all around there. i was with jolene, shayna, heiligh, ( idk how to spell her name) and megan. and we ate with them and we added shanice too. it was our last 15 min and me and heiligh was running every where to the second floor then we were lost with shayna and jolene and started running again and we finally go to our stop and it was so funnn!!!!!

Monday, September 12, 2011

yay intramurals are over!

 yay finally its over, intramurals. its been like how many days its been so long. that whole week was the same, first go to you second period of the day then ask to leave 5 minutes before class, next you find out your jobs get your clip board or the cameras and go out to the field the stay in the super hot sun for an hour lol. im so glad that its finally over like all that time just watching the class and counting how much people there are and whose playing keeping track of whose playing i don’t really know i just really feel overwhelmed, it sounds so dramatic but its true because it was absolute torture hahahaha lol no not really torture but like it was really frustrating how long we had to stay there and im soooooooooooooooooooooooo sooooooooo super super de duper glad that its finaly over !!!!!!! yay. oh i forgot next quarter we have another intramurals game haaaaa!!! ok next quarter i could live with that.

welcome dance

Its been a week since the welcome dance, we did so much for this activity in school and
we did so much to even prepare for this activity. Its been really fun preparing it but it also
cased some stress on us as the leadership group because we did this whole thing like putting
the darts up, calling the air brush tattoo people and also the water slide and the skeeball. When
it came to the actual dance it was like weights coming out of our backs and it seemed so easy
after that, and when it ended it was all over all the things that we worked really hard on, all the
things we used our time for is all gone but at the end it was all worth it.