Hmmmm, what to say, what to say about this week? I really don’t know at all! This week was funny I could say that!, this week was normal but more teasing than usual. This week was a “WEEK” haha lol. Every day I see my dream, yeah haha lol I love lmfao kk so back to topic. Ok so for this week my job was after school sales and lounge. K so Monday was an orientation practice day we practiced the whole time of homeroom and yeah, I would say we got better, because we went through it faster and we improved the way we talked. This day was odds so 3, 5, 1 and for like period 1 it was HSA and I was so nervous, I got my results on Wednesday though but still I was so nervous then I left 10 min before class to do after school sales and yeah that about it for this day. Next day! K so next day I just totally embraced myself, this day was even periods so it was 4,6, and 2 so yeah during period 6 we had a field trip and went to the library, it was hilarious, we went to the library to find a book that he was looking for, we all went to the front of the library and sat on the table but guess who wasn’t sitting with us but was at the back, that right tamera, duh! Hse might be shame to see her HUSBAND, haha nah nah nah jk! Ok so like during my lunch mr.ings phone rang, it was pretty girl rock so like it was natural that I would sing and like move around cuz yeah , but I didn’t know I was over doing it then it just kept playing and saw me, and I was so embarrassed and I like put my bag over my head, it didn’t stop there, tamera got a video of me looking at my tooth and yeah she started laughing and like showed it to everyone, huh so erking, haha lol. K so like that how I ended the day full of embarrassment. The next day was odd periods again, I was periods 5,1, and 3, it was a longer day too, so yeah, we didn’t have orientation practice this day because it was too short but yeah, we still had a good day, but period 3 happened it was soo FUNNY!, me jessa, moku, and Austin were sitting at one table then nathany and jazelle came to the table and like yeah we were just doing our HW and I was like imma go sit by erica and Marjorie cuz I needed help and the otheres weren’t on that problem yet so I sat by them and like I went back after I was almost done then jessa went to use the bathroom and like someone came to our table (I wont name her) but yeah she said she couldn’t see the 5th problem even though if I sat there she could see it, and like they were all like “aye Joshua, why u blushing for!’ I was just like shut up and they just kept teasing me and I was like irrataited in a funny way, like why cant you just like sit in your seat and don’t sit by me and don’t irritate me right? Cuz obviously I don’t like you! Haha mean right but that’s just all like I really want to say to her, oh and by the way she starts with a “C” so yeah, you know who it is, then I left with out them and went to go to after school sales and mr.shim was there and and I told them what happened and when I was like getting to the funny part she came in and I was like whispering saying “then the teasing started” then they started laughing. That how the day ended, hectic right?
K so the last day was like yay! Cuz it was the last day! So we had orientation, we added a thing to my part, we had to put pretty girl rock when I say my favorite song was that and I was like, is he joking? And I was like omg! And I asked him if he was being serious and he laughed and said yes, oh and btw im talking about so yeah. Ok so haha we had period 6 first and we just did our normal thing and Jolene and chahchie were working on the banquet things and me and tamera were just doing our speech HW for mrs.Davidson’s class and it was very successful well my speech was oh and tamera still didn’t thank me because I saved her from going to early and I offered to go before her and I was like omg dr.barton is looking and he started smiling while I was doing my speech so that was a good thing and he even laughed when I said my partner was cyrus mindow and yeah so whne I was done I sat back down and Marjorie was like “that was the most beautiful speech I heard” so yay, and then I left to go after school sales and period 4 helped by setting up so thank you and yeah that’s about it. I love this week, filled with so much excitement! Lets see what happens next week, I hope its good.
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