Change #3 probation- late for work, miss due date
Rule three is called the word that we hate in leadership and its…… PROBATION, I hate that word, and I really really really, again hate that word. Ok well we are suppose to be at school by 7:15am and this doesn’t only apply for arriving at school but also arriving at your jobs during wiki and lunch 5 minutes before the bell but for after school sales its 10 minutes if we don’t then automatic probation, probation is if you don’t do a certain thing then we are put there which means we cant work or do anything unless we find a way to fix the problem. Also blogs, the one that your reading now is part of that probation. Well we do have to deal with this change if we like leadership and we want to stay her, that’s me, but if you do part its like saying you don’t want to be in leadership. Last week told us after we went over all the changes that if we cant deal with the changes that we should sign out and also told us Mr.Ing said "Won't you rather be in a place where your happy then, being somewhere else where your not.” that is very true and I really like leadership so that’s what Im trying to do. Just like what I said earlier the two ways your can be put on probation is if your bloge one time, that’s a way you can be put on it, there are a lot more then this to be put on probation but these are just the two main things right now, and to be honest its very difficult, especially the part on getting on time to school because I usually come to school before 7:20, and we need to be here at 7:15 and he even said just one minute late is still late, its not me because I wake up really early like around 5:30am to take a bath and just to get ready, but its like my mom, shes not really a morning person, and she always likes to get mad at me when I wake her up to early and plus the ride from here to the school is like a 10-15 minute drive so its kind of hard for me especially for the people I live with. Ok so do I like this, the answer is yes I do, I might have a small problem with this but its ok because it just makes us have this responsibility to be here on time.
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